Momo by Michael Ende


What is it about?

A young orphaned girl sets out to rescue her friends and fight against the evil agenda of the time-stealing Men in Grey.

OK, but what is it really about?

One day, in an unnamed city (that strongly resembles Rome), a young girl named Momo appears out of nowhere and sets up camp in an abandoned amphitheatre. Momo, an orphan, is one-of-a-kind and enigmatic: when one of the local residents asks her how old she is, she simply replies: “I’ve always been around.”

Momo is soon adopted and cherished by the locals. The children love her because of her make-believe powers, and the adults quickly depend on her because wise Momo has a rare gift: incredible listening skills. Momo doesn’t have any “worldly” possessions, but there is one thing she she has in abundance - time.

Since Momo has all the time in the world, she doesn’t fall for the promises and demands of the Men in Grey who soon enter the picture and slowly take over the power in the city and its people. The Men in Grey convince the people to work harder to save more time - which they ultimately steal from them.

Even Momo’s friends gradually succumb to the promises of the Men in Grey. They rarely come to visit her at the amphitheatre anymore. And even though they are constantly trying to save time, by the end of the day, they hardly have a second to spare.

Without her friends, Momo’s life has become lonely. In order to save them and return the time that has been stolen from them, Momo joins forces with Master Hora, the mysterious steward of time, against the vast and sinister army of the Men in Grey.

Is it any good?

Sometimes, we discover and re-discover books by mere chance. At a recent online team meeting, one of my colleagues suddenly mentioned the book “Momo.” I remember having seen the film as a child, slightly scared and at the same time completely fascinated by actress Radost Bokel who was starring as Momo. I also remember having read the book at some point in my life, but must have lost or misplaced it many years ago. Talking about the story with my colleague, however, made me want to read the book again, so I ordered a new copy of “Momo”. Once it arrived, I began to read it immediately - and I’m so glad I decided to buy it!

“Momo” was just as magical as I remembered it: filled with imagination, bravery and friendship. This fantasy tale by Michael Ende - who also wrote the more popular “Neverending Story” - was first published in 1973 and won the German Youth Literature Award one year later. One would be forgiven to think that the story is a little outdated almost five decades later. But it’s quite the contrary, really: “Momo” seems to be more timely and important than ever. In the fast-moving world we live in, we could all need a little reminder to take things a bit slower and appreciate what we need most: family, friends, community and love.

Favorite character?

Well, this is a no-brainer. Momo is a sweet, fascinating and brave heroine, and she goes through great hardship to save her friends - because she needs them just as much as they need her. Honorary mention goes to the wondrous tortoise Cassiopeia, who communicates with Momo by writing on her shell and has the ability to see thirty minutes into the future.

Most memorable quote?

“Life holds one great but quite commonplace mystery. Though shared by each of us and known to all, seldom rates a second thought. That mystery, which most of us take for granted and never think twice about, is time. Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it. Time is life itself, and life resides in the human heart.”


“Momo” is a children’s book that should be on every adult’s mandatory reading list as well. It’s not only magical by all accounts, but also contains an abundance of wisdom. lt inspires us to take a step back, to set new priorities and to rethink our approach to life. Only then, we will be fully able to enjoy its riches.


Title: Momo

Author: Michael Ende

Published by: Thienemann (2020 edition)

Pages: 304

Language: German